Mission -
Connecting buyers & suppliers around the world

Who We Are

The MESH team consists of talented individuals from across the globe, bringing creativity and expertise to their work every day. We’re not just a SaaS company building tools for manufacturers; we are sourcing and supply chain professionals who have experienced the challenges of finding reliable suppliers. Our team combines this expertise with the skills of top software engineers and developers worldwide, enabling manufacturers to operate more efficiently.

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Our leadership team is composed of industry experts who guide MESH with their extensive knowledge and experience.

Hiten Shah

Hiten Shah

Sahil Shah

Sahil Shah

President & CEO
Suhas Jagtap

Suhas Jagtap

VP of Business Development
John Lachendro

John Lachendro

Head of Product
Bill Henningsen

Bill Henningsen

Director of Engineering

Headquarters and Branch Offices

Our headquarters are located in Ohio, USA. We also have branch offices in Ahmadabad, Rune, and Mumbai, enhancing our global presence and capability to serve manufacturers around the world.

HQ: Ohio, USA

Branch Offices: Ahmedabad, Pune, Mumbai

Community & Philanthropy

Community service is integral to corporate social responsibility, reflecting a company’s commitment to giving back and positively impacting society. MESH is committed to supporting the community with both financial and volunteer contributions.

Metrics Holdings, MESH’s founding company, established Metrics Charitable Trust. They do a variety of charitable activities, including medical and educational help. One of the significant initiatives launched this year was the first Metrics Medical Center. This Clinic, located in the Village of Baroi (Kutch, Gujarat, India), is set up in a relatively remote and poor area of Kutch. It serves a village of about 800 people, with more in the surrounding village. 

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Our team is ready to assist you with any inquiries or concerns you may have.

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