EV Supply Chain Insights - MESH Works

MESH Works & Purdue: A Comprehensive EV Supply Chain Insight 

As the automotive industry pivots towards electric vehicles (EVs), MESH is at the forefront, mapping out the supply chain to ensure efficiency, sustainability, and reliability. Our collaboration with Purdue University during the summer of 2024 has provided us with valuable insights and a detailed roadmap to navigate the complexities of the EV supply chain. More specifically, the team identified EV components and sub-assemblies. Next, supplier mapping was conducted before concluding with a detailed report regarding how we can optimize the EV supply chain industry. The following sections provide an overview of these project phases in greater detail while highlighting significant findings.   

Components and Sub-Assemblies 

We quickly realized that the EV supply chain is intricate. This is not a shocking realization, as constructing an EV involves numerous specialized components and sub-assemblies. Here are just a few of the key elements included in an EV, followed by a brief functionality description: 

  • Battery Packs: The heart of the EV requires a stable supply of lithium, cobalt, and nickel. 
  • Electric Motors: Utilizing advanced materials and precision engineering. 
  • Power Electronics: Critical for managing power distribution within the vehicle. 
  • Charging Systems: Infrastructure essential for the operation and convenience of EVs. 
  • Thermal Management Systems: Ensuring optimal performance and longevity of the EV’s components. 

Supplier Mapping and Selection 

The second phase of the project was supplier mapping and selection. We have identified the most reliable and cost-effective suppliers globally through detailed market research and supplier assessments. Our focus is on securing high-quality materials while maintaining economic viability. This includes sourcing from leading suppliers in China and other strategic regions such as India and Mexico. However, it was reported that balancing cost and quality considerations must always be considered when partnering with a supplier.

Optimizing the Supply Chain 

To optimize the EV supply chain industry, our approach includes using advanced flow diagrams and value stream mapping to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. By optimizing these flows, we aim to increase throughput and reduce costs, ensuring that our company and clients remain competitive in the fast-evolving EV market. 

 Future Developments 

The EV supply chain continuously evolves, and MESH Works is committed to staying ahead. We are investing in ongoing research and development to further refine our supply chain strategies. This dedication ensures that our clients receive the best possible solutions, driving the future of electric mobility. 

Stay tuned for our next blog, where we will delve into the solar supply chain and highlight our efforts to innovate and streamline this crucial sector. 

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