Join the MESH Supplier Network

Are you a supplier in manufacturing? 

Enhance visibility to buyers searching for specific commodities, processes, & capabilities.

What can MESH do for a Supplier?

Gain exposure to purchasing & sourcing professionals

Earn 5 ★ MESH ratings to potentially land new projects

Gain exposure to new companies looking to develop their suppliers

Store data with Microsoft Azure and customize visibility





Injection Molding


Fabrications & Weldings


MESH Suppliers Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing Processes





Injection Molding


Fabrications & Weldings


Manufacturing Process

• Castings

• Forgings

• Machining

• Stamping

• Injection Molding

• Extrusions

• Fabrications & Weldings

• Assembly

MESH Supplier Network - Power in Numbers

Registered Suppliers
0 +
MESH Audited Suppliers
0 +

Manufacturing Industry Suppliers

Auto & Light Truck

Heavy Truck 

Industrial Lighting

Construction Equipment

Agricultural Equipment


Electrical & Power

Valves, Pipes, & Fittings


Manufacturing Industry Verticals

Auto & Light Truck

Heavy Trucking

Industrial Lighting

Construction Equipment

Agricultural Equipment


Electrical & Power

Valves, Pipes, & Fittings

Manufacturing Industry Verticals

• Auto & Light Truck

• Heavy Trucking

• Industrial Lighting

• Construction Equipment

• Agricultural Equipment

• e-Mobility

• Electrical & Power

• Valves, Pipes, & Fittings

• Aerospace

Frequently Asked Questions

MESH is a cloud-based, online platform that allows organizations to organize and streamline purchasing processes with MESH SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) and engineering and manufacturing operations with MESH QMS (Quality Management System). In addition, we have developed a database of supplier profiles & sourcing audits called MESH Sourcing. These suppliers range across different regions, commodities, and manufacturing processes.

  • The is no cost to create and maintain a profile on MESH Sourcing
  • You can grow your potential sales by presenting your company to buyers from multiple sectors and parts of the world your organization hasn’t reached before
  • Since the Covid pandemic, customers are still reluctant to travel and will rely upon MESH to help them seek out and validate new suppliers. MESH has engineers that can perform physical audits at supplier locations, and customers will continue to rely heavily upon this service moving forward.

Buyers select suppliers based on many factors, including geographic location, MESH Ratings, certification requirements, etc. By completing a profile and listing capabilities in the portal, you can make all of your company’s processes visible to buyers that are looking for them when they need them.

MESH does not fund suppliers, nor do we take any portion of any transaction that may occur as a result of the buyer-supplier connection. We strive to increase supplier exposure and global trade and create an interconnected network of buyers and suppliers.

MESH earns revenue from customers who pay for licensing costs to use MESH SRM or QMS.

Payment terms are negotiated directly between buyers and suppliers.

MESH enables the customer to find suppliers and strives to provide information on capabilities, equipment, capacity, processes, etc. While MESH will always help to create a buyer-supplier connection, MESH does not take any responsibility for issues between 2 organizations.

Sourcing Reimagined. Purchasing Transformed.

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